Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mae Jude, don't be so sad

You're not in trouble. This is just what happens when your mom finally learns how to put something onto the blog

and wants to finish really quick
even though you're poopy
and so it seeps out and gets all up your back
and your back is still wet from the wipe she used to clean you
and so you need to dry off for just a few seconds while Mom picks out another cute outfit.
Sorry, folks, I wasn't about to try and make her turn her crying face to the camera.
Na, Na, Na, NaNaNaNaaaaaaaaaaaaa, NaNaNaNaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Mae Jude.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I found your blog through Lynnae's blog. Mae is absolutely beautiful! She looks just like you, Lindsey! Congratulations!
