Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kitchen Day 23 - Electric Line Run, Animals In?

Dale and Dad came to run the electric for the microwave. We still need something for the electrical box because well, there's no where to hook in a separate wire for the microwave. We still ran the line though and it's ready. The problem came when we realized that the vent for the new microwave would not match up where the old vent was. The old vent was from the range hood that was vented outside. With the new design to our kitchen, the range, and now microwave centered over it, got moved a few inches to the left. It wasn't just off center now, it was too low for the new microwave. No problem for our team though! We still wanted the microwave to vent out of the house (might as well, right?), so we just cut out a new brick in the house! The only problem was now we have a huge hole into our house. Thanks to cardboard and Lindsey's old t-shirts, we were able to keep any curious animals out! -T

Where the vent was to the outside. There's a man in the window.

No biggie...just cut out another brick to the house!
Small hole - open to the public.

Bigger hole - really open to the pubic!

Aaahh! Oh wait...that's not an animal that got in.

Closed for business.

On both sides. Oh, and there's a nice yellow electrical wire poking up behind this.

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