3 Months
8 Months
We're not bored, we're quite happy! Everyone wants to be us. (name that movie)
What's next, she says
Cake! (that looks bigger than her)
Maybe a fork/spoon would help?
I guess she's just got better manners than most 1 year olds and wants a utensil
Here she is trying to pump herself up!
THERE we go! That's what we're waiting for!
A special shoutout to Mom for how great her cake was!
And it needed some work on the left
Finishing up my last project (organize garage shelves) on the list
Better perspective here of what we were dealing with
Meanwhile, at our own personal pumpkin patch...Mae was getting her fun on
Careful...those leaves are sharp!
Better than waiting for brush pickup day
Mae seems to really love them
Mae: "Hey Mom! Look how funny I am!"
"Mom! I'm funnier than you are!"
(Mom searches around to prove Mae is NOT funnier...this picture BARELY shows what Mom will do next)
Mom: "Who's the funniest in the family, Mae!?"
Mom: "That's right...Mom is! Who's laughing now!"