Sunday, August 7, 2011

Schlensker Reunion Day 2: Picture Day

The first full day together in VA brought fun...and then after dinner...the dreaded family picture day - Mae's first experience with it. She even got her own photo shoot. I'm not gonna lie...she nailed it! -T

Picture day means we gotta prepare's Mae and I resting up!
We took it lightly the rest of the day...we went on a is Mae looking at the horses

A leisurely walk over the lake those cute smiles for later, ladies!
Uncle Scott telling Mae the horror stories of family picture past, and a last second pep talk, because here we go...
The Poe's The Erickson's The "older" Schlensker's

What's Uncle Scott doing? Well, capturing what comes next!

The Grandkiddies with Grandma Weez and Papa DNo matter who you look at in this just screams "classic!" Just how many chins does our kid have!?The crew

So earlier in the day when I should have been resting I went to the pool and drove there on a Razor. I guess I didn't put it all the way in park because this is what happened. There used to be trees there in that patch of dirt.I guess at the very least I shouldn't have parked it pointing down a hillLuckily, the tire tracks shown here were as far as it went. All was well. This is what we call a precious moment shot
Our little family...and Mae survived her first Schlensker family picture day!

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