Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Post-Season Vacation - Day 1: Kirtland

So with basketball season being over I needed to get away. So, HOPING that we could get some decent weather, we headed north. Since it was Mae's first vacation we didn't want to go anywhere TOO far and we wanted to not make the car rides TOO long. So, on Day 1 we headed to Kirtland. The little girl did pretty well! What made the day very special is that it was Mom's birthday! She liked that we could spend her entire birthday together - typical mom. -T

"Let's do it, guys! Vacation time!"
Despite the poor camera work...too cute to not post
So, Mae can now mimic. Dad puckers his lips and makes this sound, "HOO HOO HOO!" Come to find out, Mae can do it too...and does it often!

"HOO HOO HOO...let's GO already!"
"This is not at all what I was expecting! Where's the fun!?"
"HOO HOO HOO...are we there yet?"

Back to sleep she went...but look at the great camera work by mom! Using the mirrors...impressive!

Mae was actually awake most of the ride up, and content probably 90% of the time.
We made it! We were told in the summer, you can barely really tell there's a river...that was not the case here.
I remember the temple being a lot bigger the last time I was here. Actually, even though we went to the temple on this day (very first thing we did), it was too rainy and WINDY to take any sort of pictures.

The fam in front of the N.K. Whitney Store
Out of our ancestors (Pratt v. Tanner), Lindsey's side gets the award for most purchases at the Whitney Store, therefore getting their purchases picture posted (say that 5x fast). If you really want to see the Tanner picture...let me know and I'll e-mail it to you.
School of the Prophets...this is where the guide stopped mid-sentence looking at Mae and said, "Well, don't you just have the most beautiful blue eyes(eyes nor baby pictured here, but box of tissues is)!"
Atop the Whitney Store you can see the kind of weather we were dealing with...also a prime spot to feed the baby!
This used to be Chillicothe Rd...I remember cars coming through here when I was last here as a teenager. It did make it a lot more of a reverent feel. The guide said every once in awhile they will get a car that drives through here looking for the ice cream shop across the street. The new road now goes around to the side of the historical buildings, not through them.

Dinner time! Birthday dinner at Friday's! Mae stole the show though...our waitress, and another random waitress just loved her!

The birthday girl and her thunder stealing daughter
Happy birthday, Mom! We love you!

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