Thursday, April 19, 2012

Toys...and Non-Toys Made Into Toys

The great thing about being a parent is you get to play with all the cool toys your kid has. Then there's the toys that aren't really toys that you use as toys and freak your kid out. Then there's the toys that aren't really toys that your kid uses as toys. Displayed are examples of all 3. -T

I'm trying to teach the rule of when building with blocks we only add blocks, we don't take them off. Sometimes I have to play by myself to make sure this rule isn't broken.

Yes! ADD the blocks!

Mae wasn't huge fan of "become a toy and get in the toy bin." Although a day after being freaked out by the game she warmed up to it...the bin, not the game.

Apparently just dragging it around was fun seems as if she needs to lose a few pounds

This is Mae's soon-to-be bed. So far so good...we think she likes it

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