Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Grand Marshalls

Papa D and Grandma Weez were nominated and invited to be the Grand Marshalls of the Madeira Homecoming Parade.  2 months later, Mae still references the "loud trucks" and the waving that went on.  Homecoming also brought Aunt Laurie in town for her 20th reunion.  We showed the Grand Marshalls a lot of support. Oh, and this was the night of "no pants." -T

Gathering the troops for a walk to the parade

5 minutes later we hadn't gotten very far

Awaiting the parade

Excited to see the Grand Marshalls

REALLY excited to see the Grand Marshalls

Well we had to wait a little bit

"Loud trucks"
Mom's there for reinforcement

At least she's grown out of the sad face over it

HERE they come!

Here's why the waving is still talked about

We think they should have put "Papa D and Grandma Weez" Schlensker on the sign

End of the parade...riding into the sunset

Kylee protecting from the "loud trucks"

Anna's first football game

Mae's first football game

Excited to be there

Halftime show

We're very proud

Why the random picture of the Homecoming Court Presentation?  Let's ask Mae below.

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