Thursday, June 3, 2010

Who Says You Have to Go Out on the Sabbath on Vacation?

After a very filled day and a half, we just spent Sunday evening relaxing. We brought the crock pot (that was genius Lindsey's idea) and had a very simple but delicious Sunday dinner. Plus, Lindsey brought biscuits she made a few days prior. I wrote in my journal, worked on the blog. Lindsey napped. We ate. We talked. It was a great evening! -T

Someone besides me please tell Lindsey what an AMAZING idea this was!
Who says a reasonably priced hotel doesn't have a kitchen? Say hello to our bathroom/KITCHEN!

"Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool"
Layin' out, nappin', snorin' all cool

Dinner is served!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Todd. Crock pot.....Genius! Plus, there's nothing more appetizing than dinner prepared in the bathroom. You could do some serious multi-tasking in there.
