Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kitchen Day 24 - NOPE NOT YET...SET BACK!

Brian arrived to put the last of the cabinets in. He has a 90 degree drill to make it easier to put the "quiet close" device in our 9" cabinet. It's such a weird angle, so for the first time I needed Lindsey to hold the device while I tried to shift my way into getting the screw in. (Side note: We had put all these in earlier in the week, but couldn't get this one in so we waited for Brian's drill.) With a shift of weight...I did get the screw in, lost my balance in doing so and came off the screw right into Lindsey's finger. While I was almost passing out from Lindsey saying, "Oh now maybe I can finally see what my muscles look like" and sticking that nasty thing in my face, Brian was thinking straight enough to get the camera. -T


If you're picturing Gretl from The Sound of Music saying, "I hurt my finger" or whatever she actually are not alone my friend! This is 2 1/2 hours, a drive to urgent care, a 40 minute wait for them to open, 3 stitches, and a bandage later. -T

But look how nice the family room looks without all of that kitchen stuff piled up in it anymore! - L

Now back to what Kitchen Day 24 was originally intended to be for!

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