Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kitchen Day 3 - Spend Money, Theme Confirmed

Day 3 was continued efforts to figure out the electric. While we left that to others, Lindsey and I went out to spend all of our money! We officially bought our cabinets and countertops. We felt poor but good when we left! When we got back, Dad and Dale were ripping out our light above our sink. That was not in the plans, guys! Come to find out though, the electrical box in the soffit that went to that light was just loose in there and "definitely not in code." What does that mean exactly? It means that the theme of "poor workmanship" on the building of our house was very much confirmed further. -T

If only people could see what was in the inside of your house. For us, besides the cob webs is of course, "poor workmanship" as you can see the loose box.

Lots of confusion and thinking goes on...not by Lindsey and me though...we just shake our heads and leave it up to the masterminds to figure it out. This is our light being removed, despite not being in the original plan, but hey, now we get a cool can light for that spot!
Now we have a box to put electric in, however, we decided it needs to be bigger as we want a track light above the bar.
The telephone line runs through the 2x4's, a.k.a. progess!
Lindsey's old t-shirts from all her ex-boyfriends* came in handy to plug up the vent to the outside as cold air was quickly coming in once the range fan and cabinets were taken down. Oh and i think there's a person outside the window here looking in...creepy. -T

Where do you come up with this stuff?!?! -L

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